Welcome in my web site

About me


I was born in Abruzzo, I graduated in the I.T.C. "A. De Nino" in Sulmona (AQ) like a technical-programmer, I have a degree in Computer Science from the University of L'Aquila. Over the years spent to studying I have improved and perfected my skills in computing about the software and the hardware, acquiring the knowledgement for the ​​most popular and innovative programming languages.

This passion always brings me to explore new technologies, so I can be updating about this evolution. I know the Programming Languages from the basic to the most innovative forms of programming like the mobile technologies.





2001 - I graduated with specialization in Technician-Programmer at the Istituto Tecnico Commerciale "A. De Nino" in Sulmona (AQ).

2012 - I graduated in Computer Science at the University of L'Aquila. The work of thesis has brought me to the realization of an application in Java ME for students of Computer Science, which can view the information of the website on any mobile device that supports Java ME.

Language Course


September 2008 - English language course of three weeks at the EC School of English of Malta.

October 2010 - English language course of a month at the British Study Centres - School of english of Bournemouth, United Kingdom.

October 2012 - English language course of a month at the Interactive English Language School of Brighton and Hove, United Kingdom.

Works Experience


Currently with the Leonardo Da Vinci Project and the University of Milan, I'm doing an internship at the company AMIS located in Maribor, Slovenia. The Transynergy project provide a period of 6 months and testing tools about Cloud-Computing, with the purpose of providing work experience of micro-management.



For more information please contact me at the e-mail: jarilyoi@gmail.com